LED Lightstrips



LED Ropelights with powerful 36 LEDs per meter and 90 degree light angle

LED Ropelights
This new ropelight device shines unidirectional. For this reason, it is ideally suited to enhance shelves, counters and will make up perfectly for indirect lighting applications.
Bright, approximately 3.5Watts per meter with upto 100.000 hrs of lifetime 
UV and water resistant for Indoor and Outdoor use.

36 LED rope light 12V can be cut every 10cms

Ref.Nr. Name Export Price
No. 10101 100 m ropelight white                  4000 K EUR    180,00
No. 10102 100 m ropelight warm white         3000 K EUR    180,00
No. 10103 100 m ropelight yellow EUR    135,00

No. 10104

100 m ropelight red EUR    135,00
No. 10105 100 m ropelight blue EUR    155,00
No. 10106 100 m ropelight green EUR    155,00
No. 10107 100 m ropelight amber EUR    155,00

Rainlight Treppenlicht


36 LED rope light 240 V can be cut every 100 cms
upto 100.000 hrs lifetime - may be fully dimmed      UV and water resistant


Ref.Nr. Name

Export Price

No. 10108  100 m ropelight white EUR    180,00
No.10109  100 m ropelight warm white EUR    180,00
No. 10110 100 m ropelight yellow EUR    135,00
No. 10111 100 m ropelight red EUR    135,00
No. 10112 100 m ropelight blue EUR    155,00
No. 10113 100 m ropelight green EUR    155,00
No. 10114 100 m ropelight amber EUR    155,00


Extra Bright LED Ropelights with powerful 60 LEDs per meter 12V

LED Ropelights
It is ideally suited to enhance shelves, counters and will make up perfectly for indirect lighting applications.Very bright, approximately 6Watts per meter with upto 100.000 hrs of lifetime UV and water resistant for Indoor and Outdoor use.

60 LED rope light 12V can be cut every 5cms



Ref.Nr. Name Export Price
No. 10115 100 m ropelight white            (4000 K) EUR    305,00
No. 10116 100 m ropelight warm white    (3000 K) EUR    305,00
No. 10117 100 m ropelight yellow EUR    225,00

No. 10118

100 m ropelight red EUR    225,00
No. 10119 100 m ropelight blue EUR    260,00
No. 10120 100 m ropelight green EUR    260,00
No. 10121 100 m ropelight amber EUR    260,00

LED Ropelights with powerful 60 LEDs per meter 240 V

It is ideally suited to enhance shelves, counters and will make up perfectly for indirect lighting applications.Very bright, approximately 6Watts per meter with upto 100.000 hrs of lifetime UV and water resistant for Indoor and Outdoor use.

60 LED rope light 240 V can be cut every 100cms

Ref.Nr. Name Export Price
No. 10122 100 m ropelight white            (4000 K) EUR    305,00
No. 10123 100 m ropelight warm white    (3000 K) EUR    305,00
No. 10124 100 m ropelight yellow EUR    225,00

No. 10125

100 m ropelight red EUR    225,00
No. 10126 100 m ropelight blue EUR    260,00
No. 10127 100 m ropelight green EUR    260,00
No. 10128 100 m ropelight amber EUR    260,00


Ref.Nr. Name Export Price
No. 10130 connecting cable and end cap for 240V EUR     1,10 
No. 10131 connecting cable and transformer 12V for upto 20m EUR    14,50
No. 10132 connecting cable and transformer 12V for upto 50m EUR    26,50

No. 10133

Interconnecting Joint for 2 ropelights EUR      0,80
No. 10134 200cm Mounting profile EUR      2,10

LED Ropelights with extremely powerful 80 LEDs per meter 24 V

Super bright LED Ropelights
Very bright, approximately 8 Watts per meter with upto 100.000 hrs of lifetime
UV and water resistant for Indoor and Outdoor use.

80 LED rope light 24 V can be cut every 5cms

Ref.Nr. Name Export Price
No. 10150 50 m ropelight white            (4000 K) EUR    525,00
No. 10151 50 m ropelight warm white    (3000 K) EUR    525,00
No. 10152 50 m ropelight yellow EUR    390,00

No. 10153

50 m ropelight red EUR    390,00
No. 10154 50 m ropelight blue EUR    425,00
No. 10155 50 m ropelight green EUR    425,00
No. 10156 50 m ropelight amber EUR    390,00


Ref.Nr. Name Export Price
No. 10160 connecting cable and transformer  for upto 10m EUR    16,50
No. 10161 connecting cable and transformer for upto 25m EUR    25,50
No. 10162 connecting cable and transformer for upto 50m EUR    45,00

No. 10163

Interconnecting Joint for 2 ropelights EUR      0,80
No. 10164 90 degree corner piece EUR      0,80

No. 10165

200cm transparent mounting profile EUR      2,10

Super bright LED Ribbon 60 LEDs per meter
Very bright, 12V, approximately 6 Watts per meter at a 60 degree light emission angle with upto 100.000 hrs  lifetime.  LED Ribbon self-adhesive UV and water resistant for Indoor and Outdoor use.
Can be cut every 5cms

Ref.Nr. Name Export Price
No. 10170 5 m ribbon light white            (4000 K) EUR   35,00
No. 10171 5 m ribbon light warm white    (3000 K) EUR   35,00
No. 10172 5 m ribbon light yellow EUR   27,00

No. 10173

5 m ribbon light red EUR   27,00
No. 10174 5 m ribbon light blue EUR   31,00
No. 10175 5 m ribbon light green EUR   31,00
No. 10176 5 m ribbon light amber EUR   31,00
Ref.Nr. Name Export Price
No. 10180 transformer  for upto 10m EUR    14,50

No. 10181      

transformer for upto 25m EUR    28,50
No. 10182 transformer for upto 50m EUR    45,00

No. 10183

Interconnecting joint pins for 2 ropelights EUR      0,50

Super bright LED Ribbon 30 LEDs per meter
Very bright, 12V, approximately 6 Watts per meter at a 60 degree light emission angle with upto 100.000 hrs  lifetime. Triple-coloured 5m LED Ribbon strip,
self-adhesive.  UV and water resistant for Indoor and Outdoor use. Cut every 5cms


Ref.Nr. Name Export Price
No. 10190 5 m RGB ribbon Indoor            EUR   45,00
No. 10191 5 m RGB ribbon Outdoor EUR   46,00
No. 10192 Controller and transformer for upto 10m EUR   18,50

No. 10193

Controller and transformer for upto 20m EUR   28,00
No. 10194 Controller and transformer for upto 50m EUR   55,00
No. 10195 Connection Clip EUR    0,70



Export prices without tax, in E.C. (please add  + 19% VAT)

  lightindustry GmbH  -   Oberlangrain 102F  -  D-94544 Hofkirchen  -  Tel. 0049176 - 85252527  -  Fax 0049176 - 85252525
